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Development status of power battery

 This year, battery safety is still a focus of attention. The CPPCC National Committee held a meeting on battery safety in May. At the World New Energy Vehicle Conference, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine held a battery safety meeting.  They all participated and gave a keynote report.

 At present, the main way to deal with safety problems is to solve the problems from three aspects: intrinsic safety, active safety and passive safety.

 The so-called intrinsic safety means that battery safety is designed and manufactured. Therefore, the safety level must be improved from the perspective of design and manufacture, and this is intrinsic safety. Some people also call it "intrinsic safety".

 We used to design batteries and were not very familiar with the mechanism of battery thermal runaway, especially when the material system changed.  For example, we were still clear about lithium iron phosphate batteries before, and we were still clear about ternary batteries at 333 and 523, but at 622 and 811, many mechanisms have changed, and new mechanisms need to be scientifically studied and explained.  .  I can tell you that the mechanism of thermal runaway of high nickel ternary batteries is basically clear from a scientific level.

 In the past few years, our country's work in this area has been ahead of the world, because we have the most cars here and the earliest problems. Of course, it should be explored first.  So now we need to use these scientific principles to implement it in the design, especially in the manufacturing process.  Nowadays, many battery production lines are new. The new plant will include optimization of process parameters, including quality monitoring and quality control in the middle of the entire process. For example, it seems simple to not mix in impurities, but it is not actually achieved.  easy.  Because we are walking on a road that no one has ever walked before, this process is a process of real innovation-driven development and requires exploration.

 Now we have basically no problems with batteries with a specific energy of less than 250 watt-hours per kilogram, and the focus is on high-nickel ternary batteries of 300 watt-hours/kg.  Because the higher the specific energy of the battery, the higher the requirements for safety design, and the higher the technical threshold.  At the beginning, the goal of 300 watt-hours was achieved. This year, everyone has made it, and they can meet the standard.  However, it does not mean that the quality control of mass production can reach the standard completely. It needs a process, which is expected to be achieved in the past two years.

 The second is active safety. When the battery is sold to the automaker, the automaker will manage it.  Active safety depends on control, on battery management systems, on software, and well control of the boundary of use, so that situations that are not allowed or exceed the boundary should not occur.

 The current problem is that the active safety control, monitoring and management are undertaken by the OEMs, but the overall understanding of the batteries by the OEMs has not been fully in place. The OEMs did not engage in batteries before, and most of them were at the initial stage.  Help do it.  The automaker has assumed this responsibility and needs a process to adapt.

 This year, the focus on active safety is how to monitor and discover problems in advance. This is very important.  For example, how to use big data and cloud-controlled battery management systems to detect faults in advance is currently developing in the industry, and my team also cooperates with automakers in large numbers to do this.  I think that the ability of a car manufacturer in one or two years will be fully up, and now the car manufacturer that is in the front has done a good job.

 In the next step, we will develop smart batteries, which must first break through active safety.
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